Spontaneous application - Become a SHIFTER!
About us
We are an entrepreneurial start-up / scale-up company that constantly is growing, a journey that has been possible thanks to all our fantastic employees. Our vision is to enable electrification and our mission is to make sure people can keep moving seamlessly. With innovative and sustainable actions, we shift the aftersales mindset.
Our values that we daily operate by are:
🙌 Share: We share knowledge and grow together as a team.
💖 Care: We care for each other and our customers. We try to treat them like kings and queens.
🙈 Dare: We dare to drive innovation and encourage our employees to drive change and be true pioneers.
Even if we do not have any suitable open positions for you right now, we’re constantly on the lookout for more talented colleagues. You can therefore always send us a spontaneous application so that we can match you to our vacancies in the future.
- Does SHIFT Electric Mobility suit you?
The environment we operate in is strongly characterized by entrepreneurship where the change is constant. We are building the company and therefore you should be aware that there can be quick decisions made, many creative solutions but also a lot of freedom in the role you get. You must enjoy this to thrive.
- What is the culture like?
We are one of Jönköping's most exciting and entrepreneurial hubs where innovation thrives. We operate in a context with several companies under North Castle AB giving us a wonderful mix of people, companies, challenges, ping pong tournaments, competitions, travels and other experiences. All this in a wonderfully family atmosphere.
- What does the coffee taste like?
I who write this do not drink coffee but from what I understand it is good, never heard any complaints. (If you're thinking about why I chose to include a point that I can't answer myself, you can read question 1 again above 😄).
- What development opportunities do I have at SHIFT?
- What kind of positions do you usually recruit?
We have many different positions that we need to recruit as we are growing so don't hesitate to send us your application. A frequent role however is:
- Electric Vehicle Technian
Your application
If you believe that our company and journey is something for you, please feel free to send in your spontaneous application by attaching your CV so that we get a better understanding of who you are.
- Våra bolag
- SHIFT Electric Mobility AB
Tenhult, huvudkontor
Varför jobba hos oss?
Vi har en stark tro på att entreprenörskap skapar de bästa företagen, något som genomsyrar hela vår kultur och arbetssätt. Här finns inga långa beslutsvägar - och öppenhet och delaktighet är våra viktigaste pusselbitar för framgång. -
Du växer med ansvar. Därför får varje medarbetare ta ett stort ansvar för sitt kompetensområde, från dag ett. -
Väx tillsammans med oss!
Vår koncern växer snabbt. Hos oss finns det gott om utrymme för dig som vill växa, både inom bolaget men även hos någon av våra systerbolag. Här finns plats för både framtida ledare och specialister! -
...och sedan gillar vi ju såklart att ha roligt på jobbet!
Därför arrangerar vi kontinuerligt olika typer av sociala aktiviteter - exempelvis springer vi gärna Göteborgsvarvet ihop, anordnar familjedagar, morgonträning med vår alldeles egna instruktör Lina, after works och sommar- och julfester.
Spontaneous application - Become a SHIFTER!
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